Bus simulator 18 vehicles list
Bus simulator 18 vehicles list

  1. #Bus simulator 18 vehicles list drivers
  2. #Bus simulator 18 vehicles list driver
  3. #Bus simulator 18 vehicles list zip

It leaves you guessing whether you can dart out or risk a $2000 penalty for a collision. They also give way when they should, however in this game the dynamics are all over the place. Problem is, cars in real life go when they have a green light. But the problem is that some cars respect the road rules and some don’t, which perhaps is just like real life.

#Bus simulator 18 vehicles list zip

If you zip through a red light you just might get a fine. You could be forgiven for thinking that the road signs are painted on and just there as background, but they do apply. It’s actually kind of cool, but eventually you will get tired of it. You will hear lines like “Oh my god, I can’t find my keys!” to more 3 rd and 4 th wall breaking like “Sometimes I feel like the world is just a computer simulation” or “it’s like this is just random dialog to fill the empty space”. One hilarious part of the NPC’s dialog is the passengers talking on the bus. Problem is you can’t tell if you have asked the passenger for their ticket before and they will let you know if you have, often with an abrupt tone.

#Bus simulator 18 vehicles list driver

Another actionable duty as a bus driver is to pick up rubbish left by these disgusting passengers and to check their ticket to catch fare evaders – and earn extra money. Nevertheless, it kind of robs you of some of the excitement. Perhaps the idea is to lull you into the boredom that a real bus driver may experience, perhaps not seeing people but just objects passing you. This means that you will see the same characters, clothing and voices and several copies of them on your bus. In fact there are only a few types and they are duplicated and the voices randomised from a very small pool of voices and fixed scripts. The NPC’s aka passengers are not that diverse. As mentioned, you have pot holes, tight and almost impossible turns, where had you of picked a different route, you might be able to avoid. As the game progresses, route and stop selection and order make a significant impact. There is an optimise route button, but using it doesn’t seem to make any adjustments. When creating bus routes, you simply click on the bus stops in the map, but the travel path is determined automatically. Sometimes you need to deploy the ramp for wheelchair passengers. More passengers earns you more money, you get the picture. As you go higher in category of bus, they have more powerful engines, cost more in maintenance, are longer so have even wider turning circles but can carry more passengers. As you progress the buses are unlocked and available to purchase. It is also the cheapest to purchase and maintain. No question this is suitable due to the fact that you are in the smallest tightest streets anyway. There are a number of buses available in the game, each one of them rests in a hierarchical list, starting out you have the smallest bus with the tightest turning circle available in the game. The recommendation is to get a game pad or experiment with sensitivity settings until you get it just right.

bus simulator 18 vehicles list

Sometimes a crazy pedestrian will jump out in front of you at a bus stop. Problem is the view and layout of a 3 rd person camera or in-cockpit view lends itself to having almost no visibility in certain conditions meaning you will hit poles, kerb and all other manner of things. You may need to fine tune the sensitivity settings to be more playable or you will risk constant over steering.

bus simulator 18 vehicles list

Playing this game with the WASD controls is also challenging.

#Bus simulator 18 vehicles list drivers

Also, some roads simply are not conducive to a large bus and turning corners and zipping around is more challenging, however it is unclear if this is on purpose or an oversight, because when you watch your fellow AI drivers turn corners on a dime you can’t help but question your own skills.

bus simulator 18 vehicles list

In order to keep the simulation of driving a bus non-mundane, small little challenges are introduced, for example, roads have pot holes that should you drive over them, lower your standard of driving and your passengers become unhappy. The campaign success conditions ensure that you do drive the routes so that you can progress, so it isn’t just a matter of being a strategist, you actually do have to drive the bus after all, which is great until a certain point. But you would have access to all the buses and financial burdens wouldn’t exist, so might be a good training ground, but it’s only available after level 8. Kind of like a race without a finish line, or a quest without a carrot at the end.

bus simulator 18 vehicles list

There is also the possibility to drive around in more of a sandbox mode, but this would essentially rob you of any real playability. Typically with every new route, you have to drive the route yourself, before it becomes profitable. The game offers a traditional tutorial styled campaign with escalating levels of complexity with advancement the goal being to build up your fleet and hire drivers, whilst slowly expanding your routes.

Bus simulator 18 vehicles list